/* * MtabSlider v8.1 * * Copyright 2011-2012, Dmitry Semenov * */ (function($) { function MtabSlider(element, options) { this.slider = $(element); this._downEvent = ""; this._moveEvent = ""; this._upEvent = ""; var self = this; this.settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.mtabSlider.defaults, options); this.isSlideshowRunning = false; this._slideshowHoverLastState = false; this._dragContainer = this.slider.find(".mtabSlidesContainer"); this._slidesWrapper = this._dragContainer.wrap('
').parent(); this.slides = this._dragContainer.find(".mtabSlide"); this._preloader = "

"; this._successfullyDragged = false; this._useWebkitTransition = false; if("ontouchstart" in window) { if(!this.settings.disableTranslate3d) { if(('WebKitCSSMatrix' in window && 'm11' in new WebKitCSSMatrix())) { this._dragContainer.css({"-webkit-transform-origin":"0 0", "-webkit-transform": "translateZ(0)"}); this._useWebkitTransition = true; } } this.hasTouch = true; this._downEvent = "touchstart.rs"; this._moveEvent = "touchmove.rs"; this._upEvent = "touchend.rs"; } else { this.hasTouch = false; if(this.settings.dragUsingMouse) { this._downEvent = "mousedown.rs"; this._moveEvent = "mousemove.rs"; this._upEvent = "mouseup.rs"; } else { // set cursor to auto if drag navigation is disabled this._dragContainer.addClass('auto-cursor'); } } if(this.hasTouch) { this.settings.directionNavAutoHide = false; this.settings.hideArrowOnLastSlide = true; } if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) <= 8) { this._isIE8 = true; } else { this._isIE8 = false; } this.slidesArr = []; var slideObj, jqSlide, dataSRC, slideImg; // parse slides this.slides.each(function() { jqSlide = $(this); slideObj = {}; slideObj.slide = jqSlide; // block all links inside slides if(self.settings.blockLinksOnDrag) { if(!this.hasTouch) { jqSlide.find('a').bind('click.rs', function(e) { if(self._successfullyDragged) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); } else { // Fix open link bug on touch devices var jqLinks = jqSlide.find('a'); var jqLink; jqLinks.each(function() { jqLink = $(this); jqLink.data('mtabhref', jqLink.attr('href')); jqLink.data('mtabtarget', jqLink.attr('target')); jqLink.attr('href', '#'); jqLink.bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(self._successfullyDragged) { return false; } else { var linkData = $(this).data('mtabhref'); var linkTarget = $(this).data('mtabtarget'); if(!linkTarget || linkTarget.toLowerCase() === '_self') { window.location.href = linkData; } else { window.open(linkData); } } }); }); } } // prevent dragging on all elements that have 'non-draggable' class if(self.settings.nonDraggableClassEnabled) { jqSlide.find('.non-draggable').bind(self._downEvent, function(e) { self._successfullyDragged = false; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); } dataSRC = jqSlide.attr("data-src"); if(dataSRC == undefined || dataSRC == "" || dataSRC == "none") { slideObj.preload = false; } else { slideObj.preload = true; slideObj.preloadURL = dataSRC; } if(self.settings.captionAnimationEnabled) { slideObj.caption = jqSlide.find(".mtabCaption").css("display", "none"); } self.slidesArr.push(slideObj); }); this._removeFadeAnimation = false; if(this.settings.removeCaptionsOpacityInIE8) { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) <= 8) { this._removeFadeAnimation = true; } } if(this.settings.autoScaleSlider) { this.sliderScaleRatio = this.settings.autoScaleSliderHeight / this.settings.autoScaleSliderWidth ; } this.slider.css("overflow","visible"); this.slideWidth = 0; this.slideshowTimer = ''; this._alreadyStoped = false; this.numSlides = this.slides.length; this.currentSlideId = this.settings.startSlideIndex; this.lastSlideId = -1; this.isAnimating = true; this.wasSlideshowPlaying = false; // Used for checking back/forward drag direction this._currentDragPosition = 0; this._lastDragPosition = 0; this._blockThumbnailsScroll = false; // Stores caption animations and clears after next slide is shown this._captionAnimateTimeouts = []; this._captionAnimateProperties = []; this._blockClickEvents = false; this._dragBlocked = false; this._startTime = 0; this._accelerationX = 0; this._tx = 0; this._startMouseX = 0; //used for detecting horizonal or vertical drag move this._startMouseY = 0; this._startPos = 0; this._isDragging = false; this._isHovering = false; // Setup transition if(this.settings.slideTransitionType === "fade") { if(this._useWebkitTransition || ('WebKitCSSMatrix' in window && 'm11' in new WebKitCSSMatrix())) { this._animateCSS3Opacity = true; } else { this._animateCSS3Opacity = false; } this._fadeContainer = $("
").appendTo(this._slidesWrapper); } // Setup Slideshow if(this.settings.slideshowEnabled && this.settings.slideshowDelay > 0) { if(!this.hasTouch && this.settings.slideshowPauseOnHover) { this.slider.hover( function() { self._isHovering = true; self._stopSlideshow(true); }, function() { self._isHovering = false; self._resumeSlideshow(true); } ); } this.slideshowEnabled = true; } else { this.slideshowEnabled = false; } this._setGrabCursor(); // Setup control nav (thumbs/bullets) if(this.settings.controlNavEnabled) { var _navigation; this._navigationContainer = ''; var _thumbsAndArrowsContainer; if(!self.settings.controlNavThumbs) { this._navigationContainer = $('
'); _navigation = this._navigationContainer.find('.mtabControlNavCenterer'); } else { this.slider.addClass('with-thumbs'); if(self.settings.controlNavThumbsNavigation) { _thumbsAndArrowsContainer = $('
'); this.thumbsArrowLeft = $(""); this.thumbsArrowRight = $(""); _thumbsAndArrowsContainer.append(this.thumbsArrowLeft); _thumbsAndArrowsContainer.append(this.thumbsArrowRight); // get size of thumbs scroller based on slider size and thumbs arrows size var thumbArrowLeftWidth = parseInt(this.thumbsArrowLeft.outerWidth(), 10); //_navigationContainer = $('
'); this._navigationContainer = $('
'); _navigation = this._navigationContainer.find('.mtabControlNavThumbsContainer'); } else { this._navigationContainer = $('
'); _navigation = this._navigationContainer.find(".mtabControlNavCenterer"); } } var cSlideId = 0; this.slides.each(function(index){ if(self.settings.controlNavThumbs) { _navigation.append('' + (index + 1) + ''); } else { if(self.settings.controlNavThumbsTxt) { if (typeof $(this).attr("data-menu") != "undefined") { // _navigation.append(''); _navigation.append(''); } else { _navigation.append('' + $(this).attr("data-title") + ''); } } else { _navigation.append(''); } } cSlideId++; }); this.navItems = _navigation.children(); if(_thumbsAndArrowsContainer) { _thumbsAndArrowsContainer.append(this._navigationContainer); this._slidesWrapper.after(_thumbsAndArrowsContainer); } else { this._slidesWrapper.after(this._navigationContainer); } // Thumbnails navigation if(self.settings.controlNavThumbs && self.settings.controlNavThumbsNavigation) { this._thumbsArrowLeftBlocked = true; this._thumbsArrowRightBlocked = false; this._thumbsNavContainer = _navigation; if(this._useWebkitTransition) { this._thumbsNavContainer.css({'-webkit-transition-duration': this.settings.controlNavThumbsSpeed + "ms", '-webkit-transition-property': '-webkit-transform', '-webkit-transition-timing-function': "ease-in-out" }); } this._numThumbItems = cSlideId; var firstItem = this.navItems.eq(0); this._outerThumbWidth = firstItem.outerWidth(true); this._thumbsTotalWidth = this._outerThumbWidth * this._numThumbItems; this._thumbsNavContainer.css("width",this._thumbsTotalWidth); this._thumbsSpacing = parseInt(firstItem.css("marginRight"), 10); this._thumbsTotalWidth -= this._thumbsSpacing; this._currThumbsX = 0; this._recalculateThumbsScroller(); this.thumbsArrowLeft.click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!self._thumbsArrowLeftBlocked) { self._animateThumbs(self._currThumbsX + self._thumbsContainerWidth + self._thumbsSpacing); } }); this.thumbsArrowRight.click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!self._thumbsArrowRightBlocked) { self._animateThumbs(self._currThumbsX - self._thumbsContainerWidth - self._thumbsSpacing); } }); } this._updateControlNav(); } //Direction navigation (arrows) if(this.settings.directionNavEnabled) { this._slidesWrapper.after("
"); // this._slidesWrapper.after(""); this.arrowLeft = this.slider.find("a.arrow.left"); this.arrowRight = this.slider.find("a.arrow.right"); if(this.arrowLeft.length < 1 || this.arrowRight.length < 1) { this.settings.directionNavEnabled = false; } else if(this.settings.directionNavAutoHide) { this.arrowLeft.hide(); this.arrowRight.hide(); this.slider.one("mousemove.arrowshover",function() { self.arrowLeft.fadeIn("fast"); self.arrowRight.fadeIn("fast"); }); this.slider.hover( function() { self.arrowLeft.fadeIn("fast"); self.arrowRight.fadeIn("fast"); }, function() { self.arrowLeft.fadeOut("fast"); self.arrowRight.fadeOut("fast"); } ); } this._updateDirectionNav(); } // Manage window resize event with 100ms delay this.sliderWidth = 0; this.sliderHeight = 0; var resizeTimer; this._resizeEvent = 'onorientationchange' in window ? 'orientationchange.mtabslider' : 'resize.mtabslider'; $(window).bind(this._resizeEvent, function() { if (resizeTimer) { clearTimeout(resizeTimer); } resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.updateSliderSize(); }, 100); }); this.updateSliderSize(); this.settings.beforeLoadStart.call(this); // loading screen handling var firstSlide = this.slidesArr[this.currentSlideId]; if(this.currentSlideId != 0) { if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { this._dragContainer.css({ 'left':-this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth}); } else { this._dragContainer.css({ '-webkit-transition-duration':'0', '-webkit-transition-property': 'none' }); this._dragContainer.css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth + 'px, 0, 0)' }); } } if(this.settings.welcomeScreenEnabled) { // gets url of image to preload (background-image of slide) function hideWelcomeScreen(preloadNearby) { self.settings.loadingComplete.call(self); if(preloadNearby && self.settings.preloadNearbyImages) { self._preloadNearbyImages(self.currentSlideId); } self.slider.find('.mtabLoadingScreen').fadeOut(self.settings.welcomeScreenShowSpeed); setTimeout(function(){ self._startSlider(); }, self.settings.welcomeScreenShowSpeed + 100); } if(firstSlide.preload) { // lazy-load image this._preloadNearbyImages(this.currentSlideId, function(){ hideWelcomeScreen( false ); }); } else { slideImg = firstSlide.slide.find( 'img.mtabImage' )[0]; if(slideImg) { if(this._isImageLoaded(slideImg)) { hideWelcomeScreen( true ); $(slideImg).css('opacity',0); $(slideImg).animate({"opacity":1}, "fast"); } else { // create new image and wait it to load (IE bug) $(slideImg).css('opacity',0); $('').load( function(){ hideWelcomeScreen( true ); $(slideImg).animate({"opacity":1}, "fast"); }).attr('src', slideImg.src); } } else { // no image tag, just start slider hideWelcomeScreen( true ); } } } else { if(firstSlide.preload) { // lazy-load image this._preloadImage(firstSlide, function(){ self.settings.loadingComplete.call(self); if(self.settings.preloadNearbyImages) { self._preloadNearbyImages(self.currentSlideId); } }); } else { slideImg = firstSlide.slide.find( 'img.mtabImage' )[0]; if(slideImg) { if(this._isImageLoaded(slideImg)) { $(slideImg).css('opacity',0).animate({"opacity":1}, "fast"); } else { $(slideImg).css('opacity',0); $('').load( function(){ $(slideImg).animate({"opacity":1}, "fast"); }).attr('src', slideImg.src); } } this.settings.loadingComplete.call(this); } setTimeout(function(){ self._startSlider(); },100); } } /* MtabSlider Constructor End */ /* -------------------------------------MtabSlider Prototype------------------------------------------------------*/ MtabSlider.prototype = { /** * Move to slide with specified id. * @id Slide id (integer). * @silent Go to slide without animation * @fromNav Used for advanced thumbs navigation (boolean). Don't touch it ;) */ goTo:function(id, silent, fromNav, fromTouch, customSpeed) { if(!this.isAnimating) { this.isAnimating = true; var self = this; this.lastSlideId = this.currentSlideId; this.currentSlideId = id; this._dragBlocked = true; this._blockClickEvents = true; if(this.lastSlideId != id) { this._updateControlNav(fromNav); this._preloadNearbyImages(id); } this._updateDirectionNav(); this.settings.beforeSlideChange.call(this); if(this.slideshowEnabled && this.slideshowTimer) { this.wasSlideshowPlaying = true; this._stopSlideshow(); } // Animate slide var slideAnimSpeed = !silent ? this.settings.slideTransitionSpeed : 0; if(fromTouch || silent || this.settings.slideTransitionType === "move") { var easing; if(customSpeed > 0) { slideAnimSpeed = customSpeed; } else { easing = this.settings.slideTransitionEasing; } if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { if(parseInt(this._dragContainer.css("left"), 10) !== -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth){ this._dragContainer.animate( {left: -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth}, slideAnimSpeed, (customSpeed > 0 ? "easeOutSine" : this.settings.slideTransitionEasing), function(){self._onSlideAnimationComplete(); }); } else { this._onSlideAnimationComplete(); } } else { if(this._getWebkitTransformX() !== -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth) { this._dragContainer.bind("webkitTransitionEnd.rs", function(e) { if(e.target == self._dragContainer.get(0)) { self._dragContainer.unbind("webkitTransitionEnd.rs"); self._onSlideAnimationComplete(); } }); this._dragContainer.css({ '-webkit-transition-duration': slideAnimSpeed + "ms", '-webkit-transition-property': '-webkit-transform', '-webkit-transition-timing-function': (customSpeed > 0 ? "ease-out" : "ease-in-out"), '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth + 'px, 0, 0)' }); } else { this._onSlideAnimationComplete(); } } } else { // Fade transition var currSlide = this.slidesArr[this.lastSlideId].slide; var newSlide = currSlide.clone().appendTo(this._fadeContainer); if(!this._animateCSS3Opacity) { this._dragContainer.css({left: -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth}); newSlide.animate({opacity:0}, slideAnimSpeed, this.settings.slideTransitionEasing, function() { newSlide.remove(); self._onSlideAnimationComplete(); }); } else { if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { this._dragContainer.css({left: -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth}); } else { this._dragContainer.css({ '-webkit-transition-duration': '0', '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth + 'px, 0, 0)', 'opacity':'1' }); } setTimeout(function(){ newSlide.bind("webkitTransitionEnd.rs", function(e) { if(e.target == newSlide.get(0)) { newSlide.unbind("webkitTransitionEnd.rs"); newSlide.remove(); self._onSlideAnimationComplete(); } }); newSlide.css({ '-webkit-transition-duration': slideAnimSpeed + "ms", '-webkit-transition-property': 'opacity', '-webkit-transition-timing-function': "ease-in-out" }); newSlide.css('opacity', 0); }, 100); } } } }, //go to slide without animation goToSilent:function(id) { this.goTo(id, true); }, // go to prev slide (cyclic) prev:function() { if(this.currentSlideId <= 0) { this.goTo(this.numSlides - 1); } else { this._moveSlideLeft(); } }, // go to next slide (cyclic) next:function() { //go from last to first if(this.currentSlideId >= this.numSlides - 1) { this.goTo(0); } else { this._moveSlideRight(); } }, // handling browser resize onresize updateSliderSize:function() { var self = this; var newWidth; var newHeight; if(this.settings.autoScaleSlider) { newWidth = this.slider.width(); if(newWidth != this.sliderWidth) { this.slider.css("height", newWidth * this.sliderScaleRatio); } } newWidth = this.slider.width(); newHeight = this.slider.height(); if(newWidth != this.sliderWidth || newHeight != this.sliderHeight) { this.sliderWidth = newWidth; this.sliderHeight = newHeight; this.slideWidth = this.sliderWidth + this.settings.slideSpacing; var arLen=this.slidesArr.length; var _currItem, _currImg; for ( var i=0, len=arLen; i 0 && i < arLen - 1) { _currItem.slide.css("cssText", "margin-right:"+ this.settings.slideSpacing +"px !important;"); } _currItem.slide.css({height: self.sliderHeight, width: self.sliderWidth}); } if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { this._dragContainer.css({"left":-this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth, width:this.slideWidth * this.numSlides}); } else { if(!this._dragBlocked) { this._dragContainer.css({'-webkit-transition-duration':'0', '-webkit-transition-property': 'none'}); this._dragContainer.css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + -this.currentSlideId * this.slideWidth + 'px, 0, 0)', width:this.slideWidth * this.numSlides }); } } if(this.settings.controlNavThumbs && this.settings.controlNavThumbsNavigation) { this._recalculateThumbsScroller(); } } }, stopSlideshow: function() { this._stopSlideshow(); this.slideshowEnabled = false; this.wasSlideshowPlaying = false; }, resumeSlideshow: function() { this.slideshowEnabled = true; if(!this.wasSlideshowPlaying) { this._resumeSlideshow(); } }, // destroy slider instance destroy: function() { this._stopSlideshow(); this._dragContainer.unbind(this._downEvent); $(document).unbind(this._moveEvent).unbind(this._upEvent); $(window).unbind(this._resizeEvent); if(this.settings.keyboardNavEnabled) { $(document).unbind("keydown.rs"); } this.slider.remove(); delete this.slider; }, _preloadNearbyImages: function(id, firstLoadedCallback) { if(this.settings.preloadNearbyImages) { var self = this; this._preloadImage(this.slidesArr[id], function() { if(firstLoadedCallback) { firstLoadedCallback.call(); } self._preloadImage(self.slidesArr[id + 1], function() { self._preloadImage(self.slidesArr[id - 1]); }); }); } else { this._preloadImage(this.slidesArr[id], firstLoadedCallback); } }, _updateControlNav:function(fromNav) { if(this.settings.controlNavEnabled) { if (typeof $(this.navItems[this.currentSlideId]).find("img").attr("data-menuover") != "undefined") { var lastsrc = $(this.navItems[this.lastSlideId]).find("img").attr("data-menu"); var tihssrc = $(this.navItems[this.currentSlideId]).find("img").attr("data-menuover"); var tihssrcOrg = $(this.navItems[this.currentSlideId]).find("img").attr("data-menuorg"); $(this.navItems[this.lastSlideId]).find("img").attr("src",lastsrc); $(this.navItems[this.currentSlideId]).find("img").attr("src",tihssrc); /* $(this.navItems[this.currentSlideId]).find("img").mouseout(function() { $(this).attr("src",tihssrcOrg); }); */ } else { this.navItems.eq(this.lastSlideId).removeClass('current'); this.navItems.eq(this.currentSlideId).addClass("current"); } // thumbnails scroller navigation if(this.settings.controlNavThumbs && this.settings.controlNavThumbsNavigation) { var _thumbX = this.navItems.eq(this.currentSlideId).position().left; var _currThumbVisiblePosition = _thumbX - Math.abs(this._currThumbsX); if(_currThumbVisiblePosition > this._thumbsContainerWidth - this._outerThumbWidth * 2 - 1 - this._thumbsSpacing) { if(!fromNav) { this._animateThumbs(-_thumbX + this._outerThumbWidth); } else { this._animateThumbs(-_thumbX - this._outerThumbWidth * 2 + this._thumbsContainerWidth + this._thumbsSpacing); } } else if (_currThumbVisiblePosition < this._outerThumbWidth * 2 - 1) { if(!fromNav) { this._animateThumbs(-_thumbX - this._outerThumbWidth * 2 + this._thumbsContainerWidth + this._thumbsSpacing); } else { this._animateThumbs(-_thumbX + this._outerThumbWidth); } } } } }, _updateDirectionNav:function() { if(this.settings.directionNavEnabled) { if(this.settings.hideArrowOnLastSlide) { if(this.currentSlideId == 0) { this._arrowLeftBlocked = true; this.arrowLeft.addClass("disabled"); if(this._arrowRightBlocked) { this._arrowRightBlocked = false; this.arrowRight.removeClass("disabled"); } } else if(this.currentSlideId == this.numSlides - 1) { this._arrowRightBlocked = true; this.arrowRight.addClass("disabled"); if(this._arrowLeftBlocked) { this._arrowLeftBlocked = false; this.arrowLeft.removeClass("disabled"); } } else { if(this._arrowLeftBlocked) { this._arrowLeftBlocked = false; this.arrowLeft.removeClass("disabled"); } else if(this._arrowRightBlocked) { this._arrowRightBlocked = false; this.arrowRight.removeClass("disabled"); } } } } }, _resumeSlideshow: function(playedFromHover){ if(this.slideshowEnabled) { var self = this; if(!this.slideshowTimer) { this.slideshowTimer = setInterval(function() { self.next(); }, this.settings.slideshowDelay); } } }, _stopSlideshow: function(stoppedFromHover){ if(this.slideshowTimer) { clearInterval(this.slideshowTimer); this.slideshowTimer = ''; } }, _preloadImage: function(slideObj, completeCallback) { if(slideObj) { if(slideObj.preload) { var self = this; var img = new Image(); var jqImg = $(img); jqImg.css("opacity",0); jqImg.addClass("mtabImage"); slideObj.slide.prepend(jqImg); // add preloader slideObj.slide.prepend(this._preloader); slideObj.preload = false; jqImg.load(function() { self._scaleImage(jqImg, self.sliderWidth, self.sliderHeight); jqImg.animate({"opacity":1}, 300, function() { slideObj.slide.find(".mtabPreloader").remove(); }); if(completeCallback) { completeCallback.call(); } }).attr('src', slideObj.preloadURL); } else { if(completeCallback) { completeCallback.call(); } } } else { if(completeCallback) { completeCallback.call(); } } }, // calculate thumbnails scroller size on start and on window resize _recalculateThumbsScroller:function() { this._thumbsContainerWidth = parseInt(this._navigationContainer.width(), 10); this._minThumbsX = -(this._thumbsTotalWidth - this._thumbsContainerWidth); // move to 0 position, if thumbs width is less then container width if(this._thumbsContainerWidth >= this._thumbsTotalWidth) { this._thumbsArrowRightBlocked = true; this._thumbsArrowLeftBlocked = true; this.thumbsArrowRight.addClass("disabled"); this.thumbsArrowLeft.addClass("disabled"); this._blockThumbnailsScroll = true; this._setThumbScrollerPosition(0); } else { this._blockThumbnailsScroll = false; var _thumbX = this.navItems.eq(this.currentSlideId).position().left; this._animateThumbs(-_thumbX + this._outerThumbWidth); } }, // animate thumbnails scroller _animateThumbs:function(newPosition) { if(!this._blockThumbnailsScroll && newPosition != this._currThumbsX) { if(newPosition <= this._minThumbsX) { newPosition = this._minThumbsX; this._thumbsArrowLeftBlocked = false; this._thumbsArrowRightBlocked = true; this.thumbsArrowRight.addClass("disabled"); this.thumbsArrowLeft.removeClass("disabled"); } else if(newPosition >= 0) { newPosition = 0; this._thumbsArrowLeftBlocked = true; this._thumbsArrowRightBlocked = false; this.thumbsArrowLeft.addClass("disabled"); this.thumbsArrowRight.removeClass("disabled"); } else { if(this._thumbsArrowLeftBlocked) { this._thumbsArrowLeftBlocked = false; this.thumbsArrowLeft.removeClass("disabled"); } if (this._thumbsArrowRightBlocked) { this._thumbsArrowRightBlocked = false; this.thumbsArrowRight.removeClass("disabled"); } } this._setThumbScrollerPosition(newPosition); this._currThumbsX = newPosition; } }, _setThumbScrollerPosition:function(newPosition) { if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { this._thumbsNavContainer.animate( {left: newPosition}, this.settings.controlNavThumbsSpeed, this.settings.controlNavThumbsEasing); } else { this._thumbsNavContainer.css({'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + newPosition + 'px, 0, 0)'}); } }, _startSlider:function() { var self = this; this.slider.find(".mtabLoadingScreen").remove(); if(this.settings.controlNavEnabled) { this.navItems.bind("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!self._blockClickEvents) { self._onNavItemClick(e); } }); this.navItems.bind("mouseover", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!self._blockClickEvents) { self._onNavItemClick(e); } }); } if(this.settings.directionNavEnabled) { this.arrowRight.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(!self._arrowRightBlocked && !self._blockClickEvents) { self.next(); } }); this.arrowLeft.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(!self._arrowLeftBlocked && !self._blockClickEvents) { self.prev(); } }); } // keyboard nav if(this.settings.keyboardNavEnabled) { $(document).bind("keydown.rs", function(e) { if(!self._blockClickEvents) { if (e.keyCode === 37) { // left self.prev(); } else if (e.keyCode === 39) { // right self.next(); } } }); } this.wasSlideshowPlaying = true; this._onSlideAnimationComplete(); this._dragContainer.bind(this._downEvent, function(e) { if(!self._dragBlocked) { self._onDragStart(e); } else if(!self.hasTouch) { e.preventDefault(); } }); if(this.slideshowEnabled && !this.settings.slideshowAutoStart) { this._stopSlideshow(); } this.settings.allComplete.call(this); }, _setGrabCursor:function() { this._dragContainer.removeClass('grabbing-cursor'); this._dragContainer.addClass('grab-cursor'); }, _setGrabbingCursor:function() { this._dragContainer.removeClass('grab-cursor'); this._dragContainer.addClass('grabbing-cursor'); }, _moveSlideRight:function(fromTouch, customSpeed) { if(this.currentSlideId < this.numSlides - 1) { this.goTo(this.currentSlideId+1, false, false, fromTouch, customSpeed); } else { this.goTo(this.currentSlideId, false, false, fromTouch, customSpeed); } }, _moveSlideLeft:function(fromTouch, customSpeed) { if(this.currentSlideId > 0) { this.goTo(this.currentSlideId-1, false, false, fromTouch, customSpeed); } else { this.goTo(this.currentSlideId, false, false, fromTouch, customSpeed); } }, _onNavItemClick:function(e) { this.goTo($(e.currentTarget).index(), false , true); }, // Thanks to @benpbarnett _getWebkitTransformX:function(){ var transform = window.getComputedStyle(this._dragContainer.get(0), null).getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform"); var explodedMatrix = transform.replace(/^matrix\(/i, '').split(/, |\)$/g); return parseInt(explodedMatrix[4], 10); }, // Start dragging the slide _onDragStart:function(e) { if(!this._isDragging) { var point; if(this.hasTouch) { this._lockYAxis = false; //parsing touch event var currTouches = e.originalEvent.touches; if(currTouches && currTouches.length > 0) { point = currTouches[0]; } else { return false; } } else { point = e; e.preventDefault(); } if(this.slideshowEnabled) { if(this.slideshowTimer) { this.wasSlideshowPlaying = true; this._stopSlideshow(); } else { this.wasSlideshowPlaying = false; } } this._setGrabbingCursor(); this._isDragging = true; var self = this; if(this._useWebkitTransition) { self._dragContainer.css({'-webkit-transition-duration':'0', '-webkit-transition-property': 'none'}); } $(document).bind(this._moveEvent, function(e) { self._onDragMove(e); }); $(document).bind(this._upEvent, function(e) { self._onDragRelease(e); }); if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { this._startPos = this._tx = parseInt(this._dragContainer.css("left"), 10); } else { this._startPos = this._tx = this._getWebkitTransformX(); } this._successfullyDragged = false; this._accelerationX = this._tx; this._startTime = (e.timeStamp || new Date().getTime()); this._startMouseX = point.clientX; this._startMouseY = point.clientY; } return false; }, _onDragMove:function(e) { var point; if(this.hasTouch) { if(this._lockYAxis) { return false; } var touches = e.originalEvent.touches; // If touches more then one, so stop sliding and allow browser do default action if(touches.length > 1) { return false; } point = touches[0]; // If drag direction on mobile is vertical, so stop sliding and allow browser to scroll if(Math.abs(point.clientY - this._startMouseY) > Math.abs(point.clientX - this._startMouseX) + 3) { if(this.settings.lockAxis) { this._lockYAxis = true; } return false; } e.preventDefault(); } else { point = e; e.preventDefault(); } // Helps find last direction of drag move this._lastDragPosition = this._currentDragPosition; var distance = point.clientX - this._startMouseX; if(this._lastDragPosition != distance) { this._currentDragPosition = distance; } if(distance != 0) { if(this.currentSlideId == 0) { if(distance > 0) { distance = Math.sqrt(distance) * 5; } } else if(this.currentSlideId == (this.numSlides -1)) { if(distance < 0) { distance = -Math.sqrt(-distance) * 5; } } if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { this._dragContainer.css("left", this._tx + distance); } else { this._dragContainer.css({'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + (this._tx + distance) + 'px, 0, 0)'}); } } var timeStamp = (e.timeStamp || new Date().getTime()); if (timeStamp - this._startTime > 350) { this._startTime = timeStamp; this._accelerationX = this._tx + distance; } return false; }, _onDragRelease:function(e) { if(this._isDragging) { var self = this; this._isDragging = false; this._setGrabCursor(); if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { this.endPos = parseInt(this._dragContainer.css("left"), 10); } else { this.endPos = this._getWebkitTransformX(); } this.isdrag = false; $(document).unbind(this._moveEvent).unbind(this._upEvent); if(this.slideshowEnabled) { if(this.wasSlideshowPlaying) { if(!this._isHovering) { this._resumeSlideshow(); } this.wasSlideshowPlaying = false; } } if(this.endPos == this._startPos) { this._successfullyDragged = false; return; } else { this._successfullyDragged = true; } var dist = (this._accelerationX - this.endPos); var duration = Math.max(40, (e.timeStamp || new Date().getTime()) - this._startTime); // For nav speed calculation F=ma :) var v0 = Math.abs(dist) / duration; var newDist = this.slideWidth - Math.abs(this._startPos - this.endPos); var newDuration = Math.max((newDist * 1.08) / v0, 200); newDuration = Math.min(newDuration, 600); function returnToCurrent() { newDist = Math.abs(self._startPos - self.endPos); newDuration = Math.max((newDist * 1.08) / v0, 200); newDuration = Math.min(newDuration, 500); self.goTo(self.currentSlideId, false, false, true, newDuration ); } // calculate slide move direction if(this._startPos - this.settings.minSlideOffset > this.endPos) { if(this._lastDragPosition < this._currentDragPosition) { returnToCurrent(); return false; } this._moveSlideRight(true, newDuration); } else if(this._startPos + this.settings.minSlideOffset < this.endPos) { if(this._lastDragPosition > this._currentDragPosition) { returnToCurrent(); return false; } this._moveSlideLeft(true, newDuration); } else { returnToCurrent(); } } return false; }, // Slide animation complete handler _onSlideAnimationComplete:function() { var self = this; if(this.slideshowEnabled) { if(this.wasSlideshowPlaying) { if(!this._isHovering) { this._resumeSlideshow(); } this.wasSlideshowPlaying = false; } } this._blockClickEvents = false; this._dragBlocked = false; if(this.settings.captionAnimationEnabled && this.lastSlideId != this.currentSlideId) { // hide last slide caption if(this.lastSlideId != -1 ) { this.slidesArr[this.lastSlideId].caption.css("display", "none"); } self._showCaption(self.currentSlideId); } this.isAnimating = false; this.settings.afterSlideChange.call(this); }, // Show caption with specified id _showCaption:function (id) { var caption = this.slidesArr[id].caption; if(caption && caption.length > 0) { caption.css("display", "block"); var self = this; var currItem, fadeEnabled, moveEnabled, effectName, effectsObject, moveEffectProperty, currEffects, newEffectObj, moveOffset, delay, speed, easing, moveProp; var captionItems = caption.children(); // clear previous animations if(this._captionAnimateTimeouts.length > 0) { for(var a = this._captionAnimateTimeouts.length - 1; a > -1; a--) { clearTimeout(this._captionAnimateTimeouts.splice(a, 1)); } } if(this._captionAnimateProperties.length > 0) { var cItemTemp; for(var k = this._captionAnimateProperties.length - 1; k > -1; k--) { cItemTemp = this._captionAnimateProperties[k]; if(cItemTemp) { if(!this._useWebkitTransition) { if(cItemTemp.running) { cItemTemp.captionItem.stop(true, true); } else { cItemTemp.captionItem.css(cItemTemp.css); } } } this._captionAnimateProperties.splice(k, 1); } } // parse each caption item on slide for(var i = 0; i < captionItems.length; i++) { currItem = $(captionItems[i]); effectsObject = {}; fadeEnabled = false; moveEnabled = false; moveEffectProperty = ""; if(currItem.attr("data-show-effect") == undefined) { currEffects = this.settings.captionShowEffects; } else { currEffects = currItem.attr("data-show-effect").split(" "); } // parse each effect in caption for(var q = 0; q < currEffects.length; q++) { if(fadeEnabled && moveEnabled) { break; } effectName = currEffects[q].toLowerCase(); if(!fadeEnabled && effectName == "fade") { fadeEnabled = true; effectsObject['opacity'] = 1; } else if(moveEnabled) { break; } else if(effectName == "movetop") { moveEffectProperty = "margin-top"; } else if(effectName == "moveleft") { moveEffectProperty = "margin-left"; } else if(effectName == "movebottom") { moveEffectProperty = "margin-bottom"; } else if(effectName == "moveright") { moveEffectProperty = "margin-right"; } if(moveEffectProperty != "") { effectsObject['moveProp'] = moveEffectProperty; if(!self._useWebkitTransition) { effectsObject['moveStartPos'] = parseInt(currItem.css(moveEffectProperty), 10); } else { effectsObject['moveStartPos'] = 0; } moveEnabled = true; } } moveOffset = parseInt(currItem.attr("data-move-offset"), 10); if(isNaN(moveOffset)) { moveOffset = this.settings.captionMoveOffset; } delay = parseInt(currItem.attr("data-delay"), 10); if(isNaN(delay)) { delay = self.settings.captionShowDelay * i; } speed = parseInt(currItem.attr("data-speed"), 10); if(isNaN(speed)) { speed = self.settings.captionShowSpeed; } easing = currItem.attr("data-easing"); if(!easing) { easing = self.settings.captionShowEasing; } newEffectObj = {}; if(moveEnabled) { moveProp = effectsObject.moveProp; if(moveProp == "margin-right") { moveProp = "margin-left"; newEffectObj[moveProp] = effectsObject.moveStartPos + moveOffset; } else if(moveProp == "margin-bottom") { moveProp = "margin-top"; newEffectObj[moveProp] = effectsObject.moveStartPos + moveOffset; } else { newEffectObj[moveProp] = effectsObject.moveStartPos - moveOffset; } } if(!self._removeFadeAnimation && fadeEnabled) { currItem.css("opacity",0); } if(!self._useWebkitTransition) { currItem.css("visibility","hidden"); currItem.css(newEffectObj); if(moveEnabled) { newEffectObj[moveProp] = effectsObject.moveStartPos; } if(!self._removeFadeAnimation && fadeEnabled) { newEffectObj.opacity = 1; } } else { var cssObj = {}; if(moveEnabled) { cssObj['-webkit-transition-duration'] = "0"; cssObj['-webkit-transition-property'] = "none"; cssObj["-webkit-transform"] = "translate3d(" + (isNaN(newEffectObj["margin-left"]) ? 0 : (newEffectObj["margin-left"] + "px")) + ", " + (isNaN(newEffectObj["margin-top"]) ? 0 : (newEffectObj["margin-top"] + "px")) + ",0)"; delete newEffectObj["margin-left"]; delete newEffectObj["margin-top"]; newEffectObj["-webkit-transform"] = "translate3d(0,0,0)"; } newEffectObj.visibility = "visible"; newEffectObj.opacity = 1; if(!self._removeFadeAnimation && fadeEnabled) { cssObj["opacity"] = 0; } cssObj["visibility"] = "hidden"; currItem.css(cssObj); } this._captionAnimateProperties.push({captionItem:currItem, css:newEffectObj, running:false}); // animate caption this._captionAnimateTimeouts.push(setTimeout((function (cItem, animateData, cSpeed, cEasing, cId, objFadeEnabled, objMoveEnabled) { return function() { self._captionAnimateProperties[cId].running = true; if(!self._useWebkitTransition) { cItem.css("visibility","visible").animate(animateData, cSpeed, cEasing, function(){ if(self._isIE8 && objFadeEnabled) { cItem.get(0).style.removeAttribute('filter'); } delete self._captionAnimateProperties[cId]; }); } else { cItem.css({'-webkit-transition-duration': (cSpeed + "ms"), '-webkit-transition-property': 'opacity' + (objMoveEnabled ? ', -webkit-transform' : ''), '-webkit-transition-timing-function':'ease-out'}); cItem.css(animateData); } }; })(currItem, newEffectObj, speed, easing, i, fadeEnabled, moveEnabled), delay)); } } }, /* _showCaption end */ // scale image and center it if needed _scaleImage:function(img, containerWidth, containerHeight) { var imgScaleMode = this.settings.imageScaleMode; var imgAlignCenter = this.settings.imageAlignCenter; if(imgAlignCenter || imgScaleMode == "fill" || imgScaleMode == "fit") { var isReloaded = false; function scaleImg () { var hRatio, vRatio, ratio, nWidth, nHeight; var _tempImg = new Image(); // fix android and BB bug, load again… _tempImg.onload = function() { var imgWidth = this.width; var imgHeight = this.height; var imgBorderSize = parseInt(img.css("borderWidth"), 10); imgBorderSize = isNaN(imgBorderSize) ? 0 : imgBorderSize; if(imgScaleMode == "fill" || imgScaleMode == "fit") { hRatio = containerWidth / imgWidth; vRatio = containerHeight / imgHeight; if (imgScaleMode == "fill") { ratio = hRatio > vRatio ? hRatio : vRatio; } else if (imgScaleMode == "fit") { ratio = hRatio < vRatio ? hRatio : vRatio; } else { ratio = 1; } nWidth = parseInt(imgWidth * ratio, 10) - imgBorderSize; nHeight = parseInt(imgHeight * ratio, 10) - imgBorderSize; img.attr({"width":nWidth, "height":nHeight}).css({"width": nWidth, "height": nHeight}); } else { nWidth = imgWidth - imgBorderSize; nHeight = imgHeight - imgBorderSize; img.attr("width",nWidth).attr("height",nHeight); } // center image in needed if (imgAlignCenter) { img.css({"margin-left": Math.floor((containerWidth - nWidth) / 2), "margin-top":Math.floor((containerHeight - nHeight) / 2)}); } }; _tempImg.src = img.attr("src"); }; img.removeAttr('height').removeAttr('width'); if (!this._isImageLoaded(img.get(0))) { $('').load( function(){ scaleImg(); }).attr('src', img.attr("src")); } else { scaleImg(); } } }, /* _scaleImage end */ _isImageLoaded:function (img) { if(img) { if (!img.complete) { return false; } if (typeof img.naturalWidth != "undefined" && img.naturalWidth == 0) { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } /* _isImageLoaded end */ }; /* MtabSlider.prototype end */ $.fn.mtabSlider = function(options) { return this.each(function(){ var mtabSlider = new MtabSlider($(this), options); $(this).data("mtabSlider", mtabSlider); }); }; $.fn.mtabSlider.defaults = { lockAxis: true, // Drag navigation only on one axis preloadNearbyImages:true, // Preloads two nearby images, if lazy loading is enabled. imageScaleMode:"none", // Scale mode of images. "fill", "fit" or "none" imageAlignCenter:false, // Aligns all images to center. keyboardNavEnabled:false, // Keyboard arrows navigation directionNavEnabled:true, // Direction (arrow) navigation (true or false) directionNavAutoHide:false, // Direction (arrow) navigation auto hide on hover. (On touch devices arrows are always shown) hideArrowOnLastSlide:true, // Auto hide right arrow on last slide and left on first slide. Always true for touch devices. slideTransitionType: "move", // "fade" or "move" slideTransitionSpeed:400, // Slide transition speed in ms (1000ms = 1s) slideTransitionEasing:"easeInOutSine", // Easing type for slide transition. Types: http://hosted.zeh.com.br/tweener/docs/en-us/misc/transitions.html captionAnimationEnabled:true, // Set to false if you want to remove all animations from captions captionShowEffects:["fade","moveleft"], // Default array of effects: // ["fade" or "" + "moveleft", or "moveright", or "movetop", or "movebottom"] captionMoveOffset:20, // Default distance for move effect in px captionShowSpeed:400, // Default caption show speed in ms captionShowEasing:"easeOutCubic", // Default caption show easing captionShowDelay:200, // Default delay between captions on one slide show controlNavEnabled:true, // Control navigation (bullets, thumbs) enabled controlNavThumbs:false, // Use thumbs for control navigation (use data-thumb="myThumb.jpg" attribute in html mtabSlide item) controlNavThumbsNavigation:true, // Enables navigation for thumbs controlNavThumbsSpeed:400, // Thumbnails navigation move speed (1000ms = 1s) controlNavThumbsEasing:"easeInOutSine", // Thumbnails navigation easing type slideshowEnabled:false, // Autoslideshow enabled slideshowDelay:5000, // Delay between slides in slideshow slideshowPauseOnHover:true, // Pause slideshow on hover slideshowAutoStart:true, // Auto start slideshow welcomeScreenEnabled:false, // Welcome (loading) screen enabled welcomeScreenShowSpeed:500, // Welcome screen fade out speed minSlideOffset:20, // Minimum distance in pixels to show next slide while dragging disableTranslate3d:false, // Disables CSS3 transforms on touch devices removeCaptionsOpacityInIE8:false, // If animated caption with fade effect has no background color, so turn this option on. // Fix for pixelated text bug in IE8 and lower. Removes fade effect animation. startSlideIndex: 0, // Start slide index (starting from 0). slideSpacing: 0, // Distance between slides in pixels. blockLinksOnDrag:true, // Blocks all links when dragging. nonDraggableClassEnabled:true, // Prevents dragging on all elements that have 'non-draggable' class inside slide. dragUsingMouse:true, // Drag using mouse on non-touch devices autoScaleSlider: false, // Overrides css slider size settings. Sets slider height based on base width and height. Don't forget to set slider width to 100%. autoScaleSliderWidth: 960, // Base slider width autoScaleSliderHeight: 400, // Base slider height beforeSlideChange: function(){}, // Callback, triggers before slide transition afterSlideChange: function(){}, // Callback, triggers after slide transition beforeLoadStart:function() {}, // Callback, triggers before first image loading starts loadingComplete: function() {}, // Callback, triggers after loading complete, but before welcome screen animation allComplete: function() {} // Callback, triggers after loading and welcome screen animation }; /* default options end */ $.fn.mtabSlider.settings = {}; })(jQuery);